10,000 citations

Screengrab from Google Scholar showing a total of 10,003 citations overall, 5,377 of these since 2019. A bar chart shows these citations by year, peaking at about 1,100 poer year in both 2019 and 2020According to Google Scholar, by 13 May my work had been cited 10,000 times.

There are lots of ways in which publication metrics can be criticised. They vary by field, books take a lot of work but most are cited infrequently, work written in English is more likely to be cited, some citations are missed and some counted multiple times. Nevertheless, the figure is an indication that a lot of people have read my work and found it interesting enough to refer to it in their own work and for that I am grateful.

I’m also greateful to the team who developed and run The Open University’s open resarch online repository (ORO), where most of my work can be accessed and downloaded openly. Roughly speaking, for every 14 times one of my works is downloaded from ORO, I receive one citation.

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